So I was debating when the BEST time to start another 90 day challenge and I usually like to do the beginning of the month and on a Monday because it always seems so tabula rasa, fresh clean slate for everyone right?! Well, with 4th of July, I didn't want to set my challengers up for failure because come on lets admit it... we plan on drinking beer, eating cheeseburgers and brownies. OR at least I do, it's Independence day and I'm celebrating the good ole American way--crappy food and beer! DUH!
So whats the deal with this challenge anyway? Basically... it's 90 days, about 6-8 challenge participants in a private online Facebook group. Together we post our bios, why we are doing this, our before pictures and stats (if you are nervous about this part you can email them to me), we post at least 1x a day about our workouts, what we ate that day, or something motivational. Together, we work towards a healthier future, a better body, a more able body!
Post once a day
Have the ChaLEAN workout program
Be on Shakeology Home Direct-- Never heard of it? Click on the Shakeology tab above!
***you can have the above two by purchasing a challenge pack and saving $40 and get free shipping CLICK HERE***
Be apart of the online FB group
Have your day 1, 30, 60 and 90 goals ready to go!
Be willing and open to learn about healthy foods!
THAT'S IT! It's easy, it's fun, and I, along with the group keep YOU accountable!
What do you get with your CHALLENGE PACK?
Great stuff Abby! Your challenges change lives!