Monday, April 9, 2012

Engage your FAITH, marry your DREAMS

So, I know I usually post about recipes, food and fitness but I'm a true believe of an all encompassing positive life, and that means mentally, emotionally and spiritually as well.

I posted this earlier on my Facebook and hoped that it could tough the bloggers that follow me. This past weekend I went to a Craig Holiday event and listened to some audio about the story we tell ourselves.

What is YOUR story? Does it hold you back from the person you want to be? Who do you want to be really? How do you see yourself right now?

I use to think low of myself during a rough patch of my younger years....I wasn't pretty, I wasn't worthy of the love my husband gave me, that I would never be satisfied since my dad left my family and I at a young age. I believed I would never be fit, just average or on the bigger boned side. I wasn't sure how the girl who use to be so bubbly, who loved adventure and life had suddenly filled her silly head with negative thoughts. Who had I become?

You have a story, whether you realize it or not, its the one you tell yourself. It's either used for good, or to hold you back. I have a story, it was "I married young, I moved to Oregon where it rained and I gained weight. My marriage suffered and so did I. I was lost and felt alone, and didn't know what to do but then I found my way with Beachbody and Shakeology, I got new friends, I worked on my marriage and my life did a 180" I could have stayed 15lbs heavier, I could have been divorced already, or I could have stayed miserable. But God doesn't want you to be miserable, he wants you to LIVE the LIFE you were meant to! Use your story for your benefit, then use it to help other people! Misery may love company, but you become the company you keep. Change or Recreate the ending to your story! Make it happily ever after ♥ Have FAITH!

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