
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What's the difference between P90X and ChaLEAN Extreme?

Lifting weights in my opinion is hands down the BEST and most EFFICIENT way to burn fat fast and lean out! But so many women are afraid to pick up the weights because they are afraid to bulk BUT FEAR NOT ladies---here is why lifting heavy will make you super sexy!

Ok so once you're over your fear of looking like a She Man Hulk (which you won't ok?!), it's important to decide which program is BEST for you! Whether you are starting out or a veteran at pumping iron, it's key to find a schedule that fits your goals.

Alas, we are at the fork between P90X, created by Tony Horton and sold by super cool coaches like muahhhhh (points to self) and ChaLEAN Extreme created by the amazing Chalene Johnson. Both trainers are sure to deliver ridiculous results as LONG as you follow the program and eat CLEAN (not crap ok?)

HOWEVER... there are some KEY differences between the programs! Here goes nothin'....


Jessica Kralicks 90 days!

Good ole P90X---the 90 day program that started it all. Tony Horton is the trainer, who also created 10 minute trainer, Power 90, Tony and the folks, yada yada. Good stuff! 
  • 13 weeks long
  • Two schedules you can follow: LEAN or CLASSIC. Lean is more cardio based! 
  • you will need weights, a pull up bar or resistance bands and a yoga mat
  • Uses muscle failure and muscle confusion:
    • Muscle failure: You are pushing your muscles to the max during these workouts, lifting heavy at low reps (15, 12, 8)  You want your muscles to fail by the 8th-12th rep so that they then build themselves up stronger to do more the next time you work them.
    • Muscle Confusion: you’re mixing up your workouts every few weeks to a month so that your muscles don’t get used to the same workouts. Muscle confusion prevents you from plateuing. Variety is KEY!
  • Yoga is included--every Thursday, it's 90 minutes long
  • There are 3 days of resistance training in p90x and two days of cardio! 
  • 3 phases in the program--each phase switches up the workouts so your muscles are never use to repeated workout cycles!
  • Typically resistance workouts in P90X are about an hour long--print out the workout sheets to follow along and prep your weights!
  • You will work one muscle group at a time typically--(Back and Biceps, Chest, Shoulders, etc). There are a lot of pull ups, chin ups, and push ups in P90X!
  • One workout DVD-Ab Ripper X, not easy but great workout!
ChaLEAN Extreme:

60 days IN--Amanda McDonald

30 days in! Lindsay Matway

60 days in! Amanda Nickell

Chalene Johnson is known for Turbojam, Turbo kick, Turbofire and so on... she is pretty much the QUEEN of fitness for females in my opinion. 

  • You will need a variety of weights, yes you will be lifting heavy!
  • 12 weeks long
  • Uses muscle failure and muscle confusion:
    • Muscle failure: You are pushing your muscles to the max during these workouts, lifting heavy at low reps (15, 12, 8)  You want your muscles to fail by the 8th-12th rep so that they then build themselves up stronger to do more the next time you work them.
    • Muscle Confusion: you’re mixing up your workouts every few weeks to a month so that your muscles don’t get used to the same workouts. Muscle confusion prevents you from plateuing. Variety is KEY!
  • Only one schedule to follow--she has schedule for after you finish for maintaing results too!
  • Resistance workouts are about 35-40 minutes long and you use several body parts at once, lunges with an arm row, or lunges with a chest press--you use multiple body parts!
  • Two ab workout DVDs-one for beginners and another thats a bit harder
  • Recharge is similar to yoga and focuses on stretching and elongating the muscles--great if you have never done yoga before!
  • 3 phases-Burn, Push, and Lean! She teaches you the importance of muscle failure and going BIG! 
  • NO pull ups--but there are push ups! So be prepared ;-)
  • Two cardio DVDs (unless you get deluxe): Burn Intervals is about 45 minutes---you will do interval training for muscle endurance, meaning you will do cardio for about 2 minutes, then lift weights for 1 minute, low weights and high reps! Burn it Off is 25 minute cardio workout that will kick that sweet booty of yours! Intense and quick!

So now what?! 

Which is more appropriate for you?! Honestly, if you are JUST starting out I would suggest ChaLEAN Extreme--its a GREAT program that trains not only your body to lift heavier weights, but Chalene also trains your mind to think like an athlete and motivates you to work hard! She really works on women's trouble spots as well--the hips and love handles get a great workout with this! 

P90X is GREAT for people who have some type of fitness background. It's also all encompassing-works on strength, builds your cardio, even focuses on yoga and healing the body from inside out. Tony has a lot to teach you and can change your body drastically in 90 days.

I personally love both, one is not better than the other, they just offer two different types of approaches to fitness. CLX is great for beginners and people jumping back in (and even for us seasoned vets--theres always a way to make it harder) and P90X is great for people who are ready to really push themselves to the EXTREME and can commit to that time frame. 

Now WHAT?! Call to ACTION:

Unsure of which one to go with still? No worries, CONTACT ME and we can get you started! 

Here's a few options for you:

1. Become a FREE customer and have me as your coach, this way I can help you along your journey by keeping in touch with you and holding you accountable! No backing out! ALL IN! 

2. Sick and tired of being sick and tired? Ready to commit and put all your efforts in? I know I Was! I  have two challenge packs you can get to help you reach your goals....They include your workout program (either p90x or CLX), Shakeology, FREE shipping, and me as your coach as well as a 30 day trial of the Club Membership (which includes meal plans and other tools). 

Please don't hesitate to FR me on FB or contact me with the links above and beside this post!

Happy Lifting!




  2. Im just starting again and trying to lose baby weight! I think I'll try chalean extreme....the meal plan looks better!

    1. Its a GREAT program! I always love it when I do it again and again. Have you tried a workout by Chalene Johnson before? Also if you need some group accountability, I have a support group for women of the month of Nov. And Dec. Shoot me a message at if you would like to join us :)
