Tuesday, July 10, 2012

ChaLEAN Extreme Results

Ok... ready to get your mind BLOWN away with my coaches 60 day results? This is JUST 60 days of eating right, drinking Shakeology, and working out 5x a week for less then 40 minutes a day! Not that hard, but easy to do and easy NOT to do. However, they chose to press play everyday (maybe missed a day here and there) and committed to eating right about 80% of the time!

These results are my coach and friend, Amanda McDonald's! Amazing right?! Look at that stomach! hello ABS!

And this is another Amanda's results, she kicked some serious booty! Has two boys, and a baby under a year old, a busy life as a mom and wife!

What can YOU do in 60 days? Want to know how to get results like this?!

Want to know more about Shakeology, go here: http://abigailfix.blogspot.com/p/shakeology.html

Please don't hesitate to ask me how you can see results like this. I host mini challenge groups each month, about 6-8 people per group and personally help each one of them identify their goals, go to work on those goals, and stay committed! If that sounds like something you need, email me at abbyfix@me.com

Congrats to the Amanda's! 

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