Friday, September 30, 2011

Everyone has a WHY

Everyone that is anyone thats tried to workout, failed or succeeded has a reason behind it. So what's yours? I loved this why, but I'm keep it anonymous.  Read on fellow bloggers...

"I've always struggled with my weight, I was never that super thin kid in school, but I was actually never overweight either. I just had a twisted mental image of what I should look like and constantly compared myself to other people. I did do sports and drill team in high school, so I was active and I tried to continue to be active/exercise in college and also when I got married. I was 20 when I ventured on the CG adventure with my husband (you know how that goes...) I have dealt with hard times in the marriage, with the kids, and depression. Anyway, this summer I was approaching 40 and there was something about that that just made me have a wake-up call... I have 4 kids (15, 14, 9, and 7). I homeschool them all so that can be a huge stress and it's very time consuming. I had tried working out in the past, but honestly, when things got crazy, exercise was the first thing to get cut out of my schedule. I'd try working out - I'd cut out exercises from magazines and I have a file of them, but I could never stick with it! So the day after my 40th birthday, I had a crying meltdown in front of my husband (who also was not happy with my weight...go figure!). I had become so ashamed of my weight, that for years I have refused to wear shorts/tanks/swimsuits ...anything like that. Even when we lived in Key West, I was in jeans and t-shirts everywhere. Pretty pathetic when you think about it, yet I never would pursue losing weight. I guess I shouldn't say that, as I have done some (no more than 15lbs here and there) but nothing drastic or that has made me feel better. What's really sad is that I have even hired a babysitter to take the kids to the pool so I didn't have to get in the pool with them! I was missing out on a bunch of fun stuff and sharing good times with my kids because of my weight! 

So, that day (the day after my 40th b-day), I ordered ChaLEAN extreme! I knew I would do it because if I have the schedule and someone telling me what to do, I know I can do it. I always thought I just needed a personal trainer and now I have one! :)I'm so glad I got a jump start on the program before school started because it helped me lay the foundation and get in to the habit of exercising. I have only not exercised 3 days since I started! (I added TurboFire and extra cardio on my "days off") I'm not expecting a perfect body, but to feel comfortable in shorts and a tank top would be awesome! With that said-I have the goal of losing 70lbs. I have only lost 15 so far but I can already tell a huge difference in my body shape and my muscles are amazing (now just need to burn the fat off!). I am a bit disappointed that the weight isn't flying off (especially when I see some of the success stories...) but I will keep on, slow and steady wins the race, right?! I know it's important to be healthy and what I'm doing is good for my body and my family! "

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