Monday, September 12, 2011

Are you READY for CHANGE?

Last December I was lost. I was in a job I loathed, waitressing was not enough for me. I was overweight, my marriage was on eggshells and I was confused about my direction for school. I was so ready for a sign, a change, anything. I prayed that there had to be more out there for me, there just had to be. It's not that I wasn't counting my blessings, but my attitude about life was ALL wrong! 
My friend started posting about Shakeology, and recently became a Beachbody coach, which I thought was a total scam. I even thought Tony Horton was airbrushed, lol! But she was having a beachbody home party so I decided to go because nothing sounds more appealing to me then being my OWN boss. I've always wanted that! So I went and listened to my now very good friend, Lindsay Matway, speak about her experience. It touched my very soul, down to my core. She found a job she loved, was able to help people find their passion, loose weight, work her own hours, be with her family, financially free herself from the burdens of medical bills and debt. 
As a young coastie wife, I found myself from job to job, working hours that my husband was home,not making enough money, wanting to help people but not sure how and on a tight paycheck ( I know yall hear that!) Beachbody has been a way to FREE myself of those concerns. I have lost 15lbs, my marriage is on a foundation of love, trust, respect, my attitude is one of hope and faith, my spiritual relationship with God is prospering and my heart is in the right place. Beachbody was able to help me pull myself OUT of the dark into the light. 
If you want out, you want a change, you are ready to be a contender in your own life and want to free up your time for your family, Lindsay will be sharing her story, the same one that touched my life, today at 12PMEST Call into (605)475-4408 pin 90405. Here is YOUR chance to CHANGE your life!
After the call feel free to message me with ?s or find me on facebook and we can chat:
I know that I'm blessed this opportunity was shared with me, so I want do the same for YOU!

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