Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Holiday Workout Schedule

Some #FunFacts that you may relate to! 

Fact. I don't and will not count calories. Sure, I’ll once in a while track the basic macros, but I will not make calorie counting apart of my health and fitness ritual. I know that it works for some, but for me its like obsessing over checking the scale each morning. 

Another Fact. I prefer counting containers over anything. It’s easy. They’re color coded based on proteins, veggies, fats, fruits, and so on and so forth and already portioned out. It’s simple. And they’re cute. ;-) 

Anotherrrrr fact. I’ve shared my T25, 21 Day Fix and other results. These programs have always been the best, fastest way for me to get accountable to my fitness goals. 

Last FACT. I LOVE to eat. Like a lot. After one meal, I usually know what I’ll have next because I do my best to keep the 21 Day Fix meal plan(s) and containers close by so I can stay consistent with my results. 

There’s about 7 (yes, SEVEN) weeks left of this year… #holyYOWZA #WhereDidTheTimeGo and you could either spend it back peddling by letting yourself slip a little here… (holiday work parties) and a little there (having Thanksgiving 3x in one weekend, you know who you are)…


…you could set some really freakin awesome goals WITH me to end the next 7 weeks healthier than when started the beginning of this year. 

I’m a future thinker, in fact, its my strongest characteristic. While I’m ALL for enjoying the parties, the turkey, the champagne, and snuggling, I’m also all about RESULTS. 

I know that a few excuses compounded over time got me 20 pounds heavier than I am now. And yes, you may shrug and say thats not much but when you stand at 5’2” — it all counts. 

And it ALL counts right now. 

Now, if you’re not serious about it, thats fine too. I want to coach those who ARE serious. Those who don’t need a January 1st to hit the ground running. Those who are pretty much fed up with where they are now and don't need a fancy Turkey dinner to solidify it. 


So it’s easy. You spend the next 6 weeks with ME. Doing the program WITH me and a few other awesome women in a private online Facebook group with daily check ins, heathy holiday recipes, fitness tips, and support so when you reach for that 2nd cookie, we’re here to remind you why you got started. 

For some of you - it may be about balance and you’re at your goal almost, so you just crave the group support.

And for others - it may be that you need to make a drastic change. That the holidays wont be an excuse and if you can conquer this time of year, anything else is a piece of cake… (minus the cake). 

Sound like something you are ready for? Apply HERE: http://abbymaried.blogspot.com/p/join-bombshell-challenge.html

Oh and YES, that dinner in the picture was amazing! Bison meatballs on top of a bed of zucchini / sweet potato noodles with arugula salad and baby potatoes. YES, thats how I eat on the meal plan during our 6 weeks ;-) 


Dear Abby: How Are You SO Happy? Life's Love Letter

Well here it is… 11:45pm on Monday night. I found myself a little fascinated with emotions today, and needed some serious meditation to pull me back to center. I haven’t meditated in about a week, and I can always tell when I’m ‘off’ so to speak. Im also working on using inspiring positive words… i.e. fascinated vs. frustrated. Words and language are so powerful. I would rather use them as tools of understanding than weapons of indifference. 

Meditation, it does WONDERS. It’s such a sacred time to explore your emotions, redefine them, focus on the good and abundance in your life, ease tension, worry and anxiety. A time to reflect on your day, week and areas of your life that may feel lopsided. Its a time to send love and light to those who need it, whether you personally know them or sending out vibrations of healing for the world. 

I think the coolest thing about meditation is that its a practice of your own. Like yoga. It’s the journey of the self through the self. 

Ok before I go off on a spiritual tangent, I want to share something profound. It’s SO profound, that if you do it too, you could simply change the course of your life. But you could also easily shrug it off and not do it, and stay on whatever path you’re currently traveling. 

Although I LOVE where Im at because Ive worked my booty off to get here, I never full satiate the hunger for a better tomorrow by giving my TODAY ALL I can. I mean if we only HAVE today and this moment, and we fully embrace it by doing the best we can, tomorrow, if access granted, and repeated mantra implemented, will be JUST as KICK ASS, if not MORE SO!

Cool huh?

Ok, onto the good stuff. 

I’ve had a LOT of beautiful souls lately tell me how their life - whether that be in love and relationships, health and physical body, goals and career, purpose and direction - feel confused, their truth distorted and unsure of their next step. 

To be blunt without the fancy verbiage, some of its betrayal among best friends and lovers, poor eating habits or body image issues resulting in anorexia, bulimia, self loathing, unfulfilled at work and taking it out on others, dealing with injuries or pain… the list goes on. 

Part of what I do as a Beachbody coach is encourage people, love them and meet them where they’re at, but also to show them that THEY are their KEY to UNLOCKING their future. 

It can be a challenging role at times, while I also have to do so for myself. However, the privilege to walk and face some of those battles first and share my experiences have given me courage to share a method that has greatly improved my life. 

I often get asked, ‘Abby, how the HECK are you SO happy?!’ Truth be told peeps, it wasn’t ALWAYS this way. But I’ve also never been one to sulk in self pity when life offers a kick ass lemonade stand. Bittersweet. 

So this method is simple. We all know and have experienced pain right? It can be the very thing that unites us, but its not meant to hold us hostage and bind us by staying in it. We can either choose a life of pleasure or pain, what we focus on, we will get. 

So if you want to shift your focus from the current pains in your life to points of pleasure, I have a little call to action for you. 

Again, simple to do, easy not to do. Life changing, YES. But remember, time takes TIME. And its always on time. So be purposeful in this exercise. 

Ready for it? Drumroll, please ;-)

OK. SO. Grab a pen and paper, or your laptop, or the notes section in your phone. 

Start the letter as such, 

Dear _Your Name_, 

The last five years have been beautiful. … 

And continue. Your purpose here is to write yourself the most beautiful, heart felt, inspiring, insightful letter TO you FROM you! Ill share mine below so you can get an idea of how I went about it. 

But I can bet, after reading it, you’ll feel inspired, moved, direction, excited, certain and empowered to make whatever change you are needing to make. 

Do this FOR you. What would your future self tell you five years from now? What advice? What praise? What memories? 

I’m proud of you for! Remember when? You really did it. You are so amazing. Your dreams came true. Keep going, and don't give up. Help others. 

Once you start writing, start remembering, start feeling, start appreciating, start laughing, start crying, start dreaming — you are moving towards a pleasure and abundance focused life. 

Your pain isn’t to your demise sweet friends, its to your understanding of human compassion and purpose. 

Happiness is a choice, regardless of circumstances. When you are faced with difficult times, read this letter to yourself. 

There’s a strength already inside of you, all you have to do is tap into it. Tap into you. 

If you feel bold enough to share, post some of your love letter below. Bravery is bold, believing in yourself is beautiful. 


Dedication: YOU. 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Holiday Humbug or Holiday Hustle? FREE Health & Fitness Challenge Support Group

I could start this blog in a very cliche way and share that the average weight gain during Thanksgiving and the New Year fluctuates between 7-10lbs -- BUTTTT I think we're all pretty damn aware that the Holiday season brings about a layer of holiday wrapping we don't exactly look forward to unwrapping in the early months of the New Year.

So with stating the obvious, let me first say that this time last year I was attempting (key word: attempting) to start my competition training to do bikini NPC.

I thought to myself, 'WHY let the Holidays dictate WHEN I decide to hit my goals?!'

And I STILL have that mindset. And I STILL have that goal. But guess what? Like any normal person, I QUIT! I decided it wasn't for me, saying that I loved FOOD TOO MUCH!

Talk about about BAH-HUM-BUG! I realized however, that you CAN still LOVE food (and even more so) while getting in amazing shape.

Now that I'm MORE aware of what it REALLY takes to take your health and fitness to the next level, I feel more prepared than ever to share that WITH YOU!

But our starting place isn't exactly the same. When I got started with this competition prep, I had been using Beachbody at home workout programs for the last 4 years.

And DAMN proud of that because they got me into the BEST shape of my life!

But there's that one ingredient we all try to maneuver around when it comes to seeing results...

Our eating habits. 
Nutritional plan.
Or lack there of. 

WhatEVAH you want to call it is fine, but it's the key to unlock the potential of a nice, chiseled, toned, sexy body that most of us crave.

And lemme just say... if I had to pick ONE program that could prepare me the BEST for learning to meal prep, plan and portion out my meals, it was the 21 Day Fix Extreme and 21 Day Fix.

Whether you've browsed my blog before or this is your first time, the 21 Day Fix is a comprehensive, no nonsense, hit it where it counts, kinda program.


Your (Autumn Calabrese) trainer won't cost an arm and leg. 

Whether you're like me and want to work your way up to a competition. 

OR you just want to look great all year round. 

OR you're tired of using the end of the year as an excuse for why you got fluffy.

OR you're ready to get serious about your goals BUT... 

You really NEED the guidance, accountability, and support of a COACH.... 

Well, then. You are in FAVOR ;-) I've done this program multiple times. That's why I make a GREAT coach and guide while you're on your journey to hit your goals.

Keep reading if you want to JOIN ME in doing the program while having my support and daily check ins.

And here's a piece of solid advice for you: You can use this program again and again and again and again. 

That's the reason I ALWAYS come back to it. I bought it once and use it again. And Again. And again.

And I get results EVERY TIME (every time I stick to it consistently, I might add).

Now we could use the holidays as AN EXCUSE as to WHY we didn't reach our goals or we can make it OUR REASON TO HIT OUR GOALS!

I would rather avoid the hum-bug of excuses because I know that life happens -- holidays, birthdays, weddings, travel, you name it.

If I can get the fittest, healthiest I've ever been during the Holidays, I can do ANYTHING.

Imagine that confident boost! 

So the question for you is.... ARE YOU WITH ME?

If you are then check it. Holiday Hustler. ;-) 

What You Get: 

  • ME, as your FREE Beachbody Coach to help guide and keep you accountable through the rest of the year (and with the choice to keep it up through 2016!) 
  • Goal Setting Session via 30 minute phone call or video chat 
  • Daily Check-Ins via PRIVATE Facebook Group OR Daily Check Ins via Emails with ME
  • Guidance and help creating your own PERSONAL meal plan according to your goals and tastebuds 
  • 21 Day workout schedule with a variety of workouts to target ALL areas! 
  • Option to get a 3 Day Cleanse to either kick off or finish with your new workout program
  • 30 Day Supply of Shakeology, a health meal replacement shake that delivers over 70 superfoods, antioxidants and vitamins to increase your results and curb bad cravings. 
  • ...& MORE! 


The group is held in a private online Facebook group, only visible to the members involved. So anything you share is totally confidential. 

Once you've ordered your 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack (fancy for; bundled deal of 21 Day Fix Workout and Meal Plan and 30 day Shakeology supply) you will be added into the group.

Just be sure you use the LINK BELOW and contact ME so we can get you started and work on those GOALS!

Don't have Facebook? No problem, you can stay in touch with me via cell, and email. We can also cheer each other on Instagram if you have that too. 

Not only that, but it's on sale this month for $140 << normally Shakeology is $130 alone, and you get it WITH your challenge pack, so you're practically stealing from us. Thanks. 

YOU HAVE 4 OPTIONS: Based on your goals, and how much you want to invest in yourself! 

A few things to keep in mind while proceeding: 

  • 21 Day Fix is the FIRST program and suggested for beginners, AND/OR those who haven't worked out in a while. 

  • 21 Day Fix Extreme is for 21 Day Fix Graduates, AND/OR those who workout and are ready for the next challenge. 

  • You can choose between 5 flavors of Shakeology or do a combination for your 30 day supply.

  • The 3 Day Cleanse is an option if you want to increase your results or have a bigger weight loss goal. I've done the 3 Day Cleanse after I finished the 21 Day Fix and lost an additional 5 pounds! 
Not sure which is better for you, 21 Day Fix or 21 Day Fix Extreme? Watch this: 

(Includes 21 Day Fix workout program/schedule, meal plan, 30 Day Supply of Shakeology and access to the support group/daily check in emails/my coaching services)

(Includes 21 Day Fix workout program/schedule, meal plan, 30 Day Supply of Shakeology, 3 Day Cleanse and access to the support group/daily check in emails/my coaching services)

(Includes 21 Day Fix EXTREME workout program/schedule, meal plan, 30 Day Supply of Shakeology and access to the support group/daily check in emails/my coaching services)

(Includes 21 Day Fix EXTREME workout program/schedule, meal plan, 30 Day Supply of Shakeology, 3 Day Cleanse and access to the support group/daily check in emails/my coaching services)

We officially start November 30th, but the group is OPEN NOW to give you a head start, sneak peaks on recipes and meal plans, as well as some other pre-season goodies to get you excited for this new CHANGE! 

See you ladies soon! <3

I CANT WAIT to do THIS again!