
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

It's been a while….

WOW so it's been a while since I posted here…

With Cabo prep and then coming back and working, then Halloween.. its been insane! But thats how this time of year goes right?

Well since I've finished T25--and got amazing results, I decided why not do another round until P90X3 comes out?!

So for now I'm doing  T25/BBL hybrid with yoga a few times a week and some weight lifting. I know sounds insane but I'm not over working myself.

I really can't believe that 2013 is coming to an end and 2014 is just around the corner…

I'm starting to look back on this year so far and WOW is all I have to say! What a crazy year…

2013 was def a year of growth, struggle, triumph and lessons. As some of you know, I went through my divorce end of last year and it was finalized this year… while that chapter came to a close, my ex and I are lucky to have found people that add to our happiness.

I also moved out, BYE mom and Len (my step dad)! I know they were relieved to have me out, hey I was only a temporary stay at home kid. But I knew I had to get out of there, after being on my own for 5 years and then coming home, well we know that is NOT the business!

I did a TON of traveling this year, went to LA a few times for work, Vegas, San Fran, Cabo! thank goodness I'm in a job where I can do what I want, when I want, and take it wherever!

but I think the MOST important lessons I've learned this past year is what I want. I see so many amazing coaches in the beachbody business and it's inspiring to watch these people do a 180 on their lives like I've done. I've seen my team grow and rise to the occasion and I also have been pushed to my edge.

I know it's SO easy to compare our beachbody businesses and journeys with other coaches, but this year I had to really dive into: WHAT DO I WANT? What are MY goals? What motivates ME? and stop looking at what others were doing and achieving and assuming that's what I wanted to. I LOVE pushing myself and seeing how far I can go and how hard Im willing to work, but that doesn't mean I have to adopt someone else's dream as my own.

A little advice: Just because your dreams look different from others, doesn't mean that it's not just as important or small. It's your DREAM!

OH, and let comparison go. WE all have different stories, paths, backgrounds and starting points. I'm NOT the type of person who will just go with the crowd because it's easy or because thats whats expected. I believe we design our lives and I'm figuring out exactly what I want mine to look like, but still taking it day by day.

What has 2013 meant to you?

I look forward to jumping back into blogging! =) CIAO!

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