
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

P90X BEFORE and AFTER Women's Results!

<<REWIND>> To Jan 2011. I was about 20lbs overweight, which on a small frame MATTERS (I’m a whopping 5’2). I just remember feeling so frustrated with what I saw in the mirror, I kept thinking, “HOW did I let myself get here??!” I felt uncomfortable, nothing fit right, and if it fit, it was tighter and I was self conscious. Yoga pants became my best friend (we’re still pretty close) and I avoided mirrors.

But when I couldn’t ignore the reflection anymore, I knew it was time I would either change or this new “me” was going to pull me down and reek havoc on my self esteem which would spread to ALL areas of my life (as it already started to). I knew that being miserable with myself was just a few days away...

It wasn’t some HUGE choice that made me gain 20lbs, it was the small seemingly insignificant choices I made everyday... to skip a workout, to eat out, to sleep in a little longer, going over my portion size... it was the small things through out my days, weeks, and months that led me to that point. I had to get REAL with myself and when I saw my before photos.. it was enough to catalyst myself into CHANGE. and LASTING CHANGE at that.

<<FAST FORWARD>> 90 days later. Down 17lbs, way more confident, stronger, lighter, leaner. I felt AMAZING! And along the way I got people to join me in losing weight.. and I haven’t stoped since then. Was it easy? HELL NO! Worth it? UH YEAH! But I felt so GOOD, I felt NEW, and clothes fit! The mirror wasn’t intimidating anymore, in fact, I started to see the IMPROVED me shine through. I want that for you too! Are you ready to make better choices everyday so that just 3 months from now you can be happier with the reflection? If you’re ready for a L-I-F-E-S-T-Y-L-E change, well HEYYY I got NEWS! Change is NOW. And I’m going to help you get there. 

**and a 26in waist here! 

If you’re fed up with your fat like I was, and you want your clothes to fit right, message me. The only way to get started is with one SMALL seemingly insignificant (but more profound then you’ll know) choice to talk to me about your goals. And then together, WE will find the best route for YOU to your new life path to healthy, happy and FIT!

& to show you where I am now...

*now a 25" in waist! Who's counting. 

Your CALL TO ACTION: No one is going to do it FOR YOU. No one can press play, make you sweat or make you eat right. But I can help you through the process... because I've been there! Ready to get started? The good news: P90X is on SALE right now, the very program that got me 17lbs lighter! and you ALSO get Shakeology with it for only $50 more when it's normally $130! So you're saving BIG BIG!!! You're saving way more than I invested! and you can get it here! 

To order and get started, CLICK HERE <<< and then I will contact you and we will get you going! REady to change your life? GREAT, ME TOO! 

There's no time like the present, take ACTION. Your future self NEEDS you to decide NOW that you are going to COMMIT! 

If you're still on the fence about this... message me. Lets talk about the best plan for you.

Ask yourself, What will it COST me if I don't change NOW? What will it do to my self esteem? to my personal life? to my love life? my relationships? how I see myself and others? 

I hope you make the choice to jump ALL in <3 you deserve it! 


  1. How come your first photos your tattoo is on your right side, and now there on your left side?

  2. This gets asked about all the time in B & A one set of pictures, someone took a pic of her. In the other set, she took a pic with her phone of her reflection.

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