
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Lazy Girl Lunch

Yep, thats me. I'm a lazy girl who loves to workout, travel, explore, learn and grow. So how does lazy fit in there? Well when it comes to food-I'm LAZY... no joke. I would have someone feed me if I could. I love to eat, but damn I hate to stand and prepare food while I'm hungry! My friend Lori was here and we made these, I use to make wraps ALL the time like this in Florida and kinda forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder girl!

So here's the lazy girl wrap!

You Need:

  • flax or ezekiel tortilla
  • guac or avocado 
  • tapatio
  • fried egg
  • spinach
  • diced tomatoes
  • small piece of chicken (optional--normally I don't eat meat, but I had it, so I add it!)
  1. spread guac or avocado on the tortilla
  2. fry the egg--I like the yolk runny so it's like a dressing
  3. put spinach on top of guac and add tomatoes, shredded chicken and sprinkle on tapatio
  4. place egg on top
  5. WRAP and EAT.

Yummy. Super easy, super good, and quick. 

You're welcome

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