
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Black Bean Brownies with Peanut Butter Swirls

I love brownies, yes I do, I love brownies, HOW ABOUT  YOU?! I swear I'm like a kid on Christmas when I can try a new brownie recipe or eat one. Between pancakes and brownies, it's no wonder I have to drink Shakeology once a day to curb those bad cravings. BUTTTTT... I do like to indulge once in a while and create a healthier recipe and/or try a current one.

So after my workout, I decided to run to the store to finally try this. I plan on eating maybe TWO, and giving the rest away. Wish you were my neighbor huh?!

PS loving Body Beast so far, and Brazil Butt Lift is doin me some justice! 

GAH I wish I could take credit for this recipe, but I JUST can't. However, I found my NEW favorite website for brownies and it's right here:

So here goes nuffin (muffin)....

Black Bean Brownies (yeah... you heard that right)

You will need:
  • 1 Can Black Beans (540 mL)
  • 1 Egg
  • 1/4 Cup Eggwhites (or 3 Eggs in total)
  • 1/3 Cup Pumpkin Puree (or unsweetened apple sauce)
  • 1/2 Cup Natural Cocoa Powder
  • 1/4 Tsp Sea Salt or Himalayan Salt
  • 2 Tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1/4 Cup All Natural Pure Coconut Sap Sugar (or 1/4 Cup Agave, Honey or Maple Syrup)
  • 2 Tbsp Maple Syrup
  • 1 1/2 Tsp Instant Coffee
  • 1 Tsp Baking Powder
  • 1/4 Cup Dark Chocolate Chips (more if you wish)
Peanut Butter Swirl Ingredients:
  • 1/3 Cup Peanut Butter
  • 1 Tbsp Agave (Maple Syrup, Stevia or Honey)
  • Pinch of Salt
  • Dash of Vanilla Extract
  1. Pre-heat your oven to 350 F.
  2. Place all black bean brownie ingredients into your food processor and blend until smooth. ***k if you don't have a processor, use the blender. however, blend black beans first because they get stuck at the bottom!
  3. Spray an 8×8 baking dish with a healthy, non-stick cooking spray.
  4. Evenly spread batter into baking dish.
  5. On your stove-top melt peanut butter swirl ingredients and mix.
  6. Dollop peanut butter swirl mixture with a spoon spaced out about an inch from each other onto the brownie batter.
  7. Pull a knife back and forth through the batter creating your swirls.
  8. Place in the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes.
  9. *Ovens vary so your discretion is needed. You will know your brownies are baked when the top becomes firm and the brownies pull away from the sides of the dish.
  10. Sticking a tooth pick in the middle and pulling it out clean will ensure your brownies are baked fully.
  11. Remove from oven when baked and let set in the baking dish for about 10 minutes.
  12. Gently cut brownies, serve and enjoy!
  13. To store brownies it is best to first let them cool completely and then store them in a sealed tight container in the refrigerator.

PERSONAL OPINION: baby! But here's the deal, the peanut butter swirl part-what a biotch. I could not get it to melt properly so I added a splash of almond milk, then added it in the blender WITH the brownie mix, blended on high. THEN I used regular (well all natural PB) peanut butter and just did swirls with a knife, and then popped that sucker in the oven for about 33 mins! 

SUPER yummy. Craving satisfied. 

*stole my boyfriends hat. Holding it hostage babe, come and get it! If you're good, you'll get a brownie! ;-) 


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