
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Shred Into Summer Challenge

Insanity Results: Aimee lost 34lbs in 60 days!

Tina G. is a New York police officer who decided to take the Insanity Challenge. She had mind blowing results and lost over 17 lbs and 9 1/2 inches off of her entire body.

Brazil Butt Lift Results:  

"Pregnancy had changed my body so much and when I looked in the mirror I cringed...Brazil Butt Lift and Shakeology® have changed my life more than words can explain...When the first 30 days passed I looked at my after pictures and was floored. Is this really me?!! I was so proud that my body was changing just like Leandro Fitness had promised. I wanted to see what the next 30 days were going to hold for me. When I looked at my 60 day photos I cried. This time it was tears of joy. I got my body back.""Check out Sarah E! She lost 19lbs and 14" in 60 days on Brazil Butt Lift!"

The first time I did Insanity I didn't realize the clock on the TV was ticking down the minutes I had left until I could regain my sanity AKA until the workout was over. I thought the WARM UP was the workout! Then quickly realized I had 30 minutes to go. Needless to say, my ass was TIRED. 

But did I get AMAZING results?! YES
Did I increase my endurance and stamina?! YES
Did I get to my lowest weight ever? YES
Did I feel and look good? HELL YES

I've got a challenge for you. STARTS WITH CHANGE.

Here's the DEAL:

I remember seeing this poster that said "I'd rather be covered in sweat at the gym than be covered in clothes at the beach" Well IDK about you, but I sure as hell don't want to worry about wearing shorts, skirts or t-shirts this summer if it's nice out. I've been there, not wanting to wear shorts because I was insecure and unhappy with my body physically. I also remember skipping events because I was disappointed with myself. Those days are LONG gone, and they can be for you too =) 

I'm looking for just a few more ladies and gents to get ripped, toned, and ready for change! 

LAST day to REGISTER for the SHRED INTO SUMMER challenge is TOMORROW*** 4/11 Ready to get ripped or bikini ready for summer?! This challenge is 60 days long--you choose your program: Insanity (60 day boot camp style workout) that's $25 OFF this month only, Brazil Butt Lift (an all over body workout with an emphasis on the booty) or Combat (another 60 day workout with martial art style workouts)! 


1. Click here and fill out the application: I will help you choose the best program depending on your goals and fitness level! IT's THAT EASY! Nutrition (Shakeology)+Fitness(workout program)+Support (me and the challenge group/participants)=SUCCESS!
2. Go HERE and sign up with your Challenge Pack choose either BBL, Insanity or Combat. Also choose your flavor of Shakeology (our kick ass yummy meal replacement with ALL your nutritional needs, no caffeine, gluten free, and packed with antioxidants and super foods) 
3. Then request to be apart of the group HERE! Where I will approve you! 

IF you already have a program but need Shakeology, click here! *you must buy on HD (home direct) so that you can get the free shipping (WOOOO) and have enough to last you through the 60 days. If you need to cancel afterwards (which I doubt you will want to after the results you will see) I can help you with that easily, takes about 2 minutes! 

Is Shakeology required?! YES. It's a way to ensure we are all on the SAME supplement and the EASIEST and FASTEST way to reach your goals. I'm here to COACH you and help you through it, and Shakeology is the KEY ingredient. Are your GOALS worth it? Are you? 

**NOTE : INSANITY is $25 off this month only! when you buy the Insanity Challenge Pack!

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