
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Do I need a Transformation Before I Become a Beachbody Coach?

This question comes up so often that I'm wondering why I haven't addressed it head on until now! Yeesh, way behind the times here.

So let's catch up to speed!




I know there are probably quite a few of you going, "well I'm overweight, I have 100lbs to lose, I don't know anything about business, I am terrible with nutrition, I'm ____" 

Let me tell you this, one way or another you will find an excuse to either reason why you CAN or CAN'T. 

And either way you're right.

I'm not going to argue with anyone who isn't ready to be a coach, but if you have been sitting there wondering if you should jump on board, but you haven't quite finished a program, you have weight to lose, you're just starting to learn about eating right, well then you're in the BEST place to do all that and MORE.

Here's how I see the whole equation:

If you join as a coach, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

You're gaining new friends who support you, a team that will hold you accountable, discounts on all our products (hello Shakeology!!), a business that provides residual income if you choose to work it, a chance to go on amazing vacations, a chance to meet and workout with our celeb trainers (hello ShaunT ;-) ) -- I mean honestly, I could go on and on. I could be that walking billboard for Beachbody (as if I wasn't already).

And what could you lose? The weight you've been wanting to get rid of for good. The bad excuses as to why you haven't reached your goals before.  Maybe those bad habits and all the things that have been really holding you back.

Is coaching for everyone? NO. Not at all. It also depends on the type of coach you want to be. 
But you can learn more about that here! 

Let me close by saying, I AM SO GLAD I did not wait to take action on my future just because I felt like I "didn't know it all" or because I felt overweight. 

No I wasn't happy with what I saw in the mirror, but I wasn't going to let THAT hold me back from what I knew I was capable of doing. I knew I NEEDED to make that change in my life if I was serious this time around. 

Where are you at in your life? I love getting to know my followers and those who come to my blog for motivation. If you have EVER considered coaching, please click on the link above and find me RIGHT NOW on Facebook! 

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