
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 1 Ultimate Reset Review

What's the RESET?>>>> GO HERE!

So yesterday was DAY 1 of the Ultimate Reset, and I will say, I wasn't THAT hungry--this detox isn't about deprivation and cutting out a ton of calories, but about healing your body from the inside out. My FIRST tip: Get a support system!  <<< If you click this you can request to be apart of our group as soon as you become a free customer HERE! Not only am I using this group as a support system, but my awesome boyfriend won't allow me to cheat. And he's got a great body, so I have to keep up.

BUT... Why am I REALLY doing this? Well, as some of you may know, I attempted this LAST April but decided to move to California at the same time, and honestly it was just too much going on at once. So if you do want to try this, make sure it's at a time where your life isn't going through a huge transition. BUT I'm doing this for me. One of my NY resolutions was to stick to my word, if I say I'm going to do it.--I'm going to follow through. So this isn't really about health or fitness, but it's about who I am as a person! Which honestly, will keep me way more accountable! 

FIRST, get a support system! ^^he's cute! 

HINT: SICK.. alkalanize. Tastes like a fish bowl, but throw in half a scoop of Shakeology and you can barely taste it! 

Breakfast day 1:
Two range free organic eggs on top of Ezekiel bread and fresh strawberries with raw spinach!

Dinner: Mahi marinated in a yummy lemon and garlic mix with baby red potatoes and asparagus! 

Stay tuned! Ideally, I'd like to lose 10lbs, so lets see if I can! =) CIAO! 


  1. I totally understand wanting to heal your body from the inside out (as you put it) and want to feel good, but I am positively flummoxed that you are hoping to lose 10 lbs. during this Reset process as well. Do you really, honestly think you need to lose weight (and 10 pounds is going to come from where exactly)? I've seen your pictures on recent blog posts and you are incredibly in shape and gorgeous--why on God's good earth are you looking to LOSE? Is this really an ideal message you want to portray to your readers? That you can have an ideal body image but still try to lose weight?

    1. Thank you for reading and following my blog (and the kind words)! With that said, I can see where you are coming from, but my choice to lose 10lbs is based on my preference! And I can pretty much say with 100% certainty that 5lbs are from my AWFUL cheat weekend going to Phils BBQ and In-n-Out because I KNEW I wouldn't be eating anything bad for 21 days! I am NEAR my ideal shape, not QUITE yet, and I know that this will def help get me there. But for now I am focusing on the energy that I'm getting from it and learning more about nutrition. 10lbs would be nice of fat and water weight, maintaing muscle is key. Thanks for the concern ;-)

    2. Also keep in mind that our bodies STORE excess fat from the toxins in our food and environment, so it's easy for people like me, who are ALMOST at an ideal state/weight/image/size what have you, to hold onto 10lbs EASILY because of those simple truths (whether it's fat, water weight,etc). There are three phases: RECLAIM, RELEASE and RESTORE. and thats exactly what Im doing. Reclaiming healthy eating habits, releasing toxins in the body and mind, and restoring back to an ideal mental, physical and even spiritual state!
