Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Well... 2013 IS HERE! Can you believe it? I'm so glad it's here, I'm so READY for a CLEAN and NEW SLATE! Anyone with me on that?

So today... I had time to reflect on 2012... and it was one of the most amazing yet hardest years of my life.

I earned a trip the Bahamas in Atlantis with my friends and coaches--hands down my FAVORITE memory of 2012! 

I moved back to San Diego from Florida--such a tough decision to leave my friends and 2nd family but I'm so glad I did!

I went to coach Summit 2012 in VEGAS with my team! 

I went through a divorce that while was very heart breaking, taught me so much about who I am and how strong I am. Luckily, my ex and I are on good terms. 

I went on amazing cruise and watched my best friends get married! <3

I learned that I'm not the partier I once was, I prefer a good book, glass of wine, quality friends and the occasional night out at a lounge if I want to mingle. 

This years resolutions aren't fitness related but a little deeper: To constantly improve who I am, stay strong and keep to my decisions, don't be easily influenced if it does not align with who I am or won't better myself or future, keep my commitments, pursue God's plan for my life and listen to Him, Save more money and live under my MEANS, be patient and persistent. Simple yet powerful. 

and I am SO READY for the adventures 2013 holds... A new start, new year, a new and better version of myself! <3

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